R Steele biography
CEO. December 2011 to date Work has included: expert witness in dispute
on Access Deficit; expert report for lawyers on costing and pricing of sub-sea cables; comparison of bottom up costing methods
- what is more appropriate depending on volume and time effects; 4 day workshop on costing; update of regulatory costing system
for NGN/NGA; reference offers on interconnect, leased lines, duct access; review of updates to licensed business unit accounts;
rely for an incumbent to the regulator's bottom up models of fixed and mobile; expert witness on mobile termination
and evolution of the mobile industry; investigation of SMS spoofing; pure LRIC response; reviews of regulatory accounts; reviews
of costing systems; replication/improvement of a fixed/mobile incumbent's costing system in MS Access; define retail price
approval process and analysis of price-bundles; response to regulator on bottom up and top down models; dispute
resolution workshop; broadband Next Generation Network strategies for developing countries; Regulatory Accounting Instructions
definition and consultation, WACC consultation; wholesale pricing of number translation services (freephone etc); telco-vendor
price dispute; interconnection link services - price advice and benchmarling.
Ovum: Director March 2010 – December 2011 & Practice
Leader Sept 2004 – April 2008 Many
jobs globally including: public hearings with regulator; creating regulatory submission; WACC consultation; regulatory accounts;
creating cost models; definition of wholesale services; NGN economics and regulation workshops; arbitration cases; white paper
on barriers to competition. Other jobs included: major assignment on price control and LRIC; MVNO strategy; due diligence;
price squeeze; access cost analysis; pricing out-sourced network services; regulatory accounts, cost model reviews.
Director of telecom economics team. April 2008 – February 2010. Various jobs including: major SAS ABM project to deliver cost and profit analysis
of the telecom operator’s fixed and mobile services; due diligence on a European telco; top down LRIC models of
mobile and fixed networks; econometric comparison of MTR to costs.
PA Consulting Group, Principal Consultant. Feb 98-Sept 2004 Led work on telecoms costing, service and customer profit analysis, pricing,
interconnect and regulatory affairs. Many assignments including: major telecom procurements/outsourcing projects; due diligence;
network audit; security review; mobile business modelling; license applications; regulatory submissions; call centre business
modelling; network strategy; and development of tools
to set retail and interconnection prices.
Deloitte Consulting Group: Managing Consultant. April 94 - Feb 98 Work included: outsourcing clients’ services (several worth >£100M pa) including contract
negotiations, RFP preparation, bid evaluation, tariff analysis, supplier cost modelling, service level agreement definitions
and budget forecasts for the board. Developed a cost and profitability tool-set for telcos. Worked on one of the first European
cost-based interconnection calculation projects. Other work
included: due diligence; asset valuations; technology advice; privatisation and network audits. BT Syncordia
(later Concert): Equipment Engineering Manager. Oct 91- Apr 94This
was a both technical and a management role defining and testing new datacom solutions. BT Labs:
Executive Engineer and Senior Professional. Aug 85 - Oct 91SDH
systems evaluations. Prior to that, Roger led in the research and development of optical fibre amplifiers
and other key optical technologies that are used in today’s networks.